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Teenagers During Covid-19

The covid 19 pandemic has hit us all with a strong force and unpreparation. Tens of millions of people are affected because of social restriction. They’re losing jobs, which leads to not being able to pay the rent, buy food, pay for tuition, and ends up in poverty. The pandemic has left 135 million people […]

Global Compassionate School

Global Compassionate School

Sekolah Islam Berbasis Welas Asih Pertama di Indonesia. Empat tahun setelah penandatanganan Piagam Welas Asih (Charter for Compassion) di Banyuwangi yang sekaligus menandai Banyuwangi sebagai kota pertama di Indonesia yang menjadi kota welas asih, Sabtu, 11 Agustus lalu Lazuardi Global Islamic School juga menandatangani piagam yang sama sebagai sekolah welas asih pertama di Indonesia yang [...]