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S2M3ART DAY 2018 |  iExplore Adventures

S2M3ART DAY 2018 | iExplore Adventures

“The deafening siren suddenly howled and terrified a bunch of students who happened to be in the midst of chaos. Everything was shaking, as the ground beneath them heaved with each successive quake. The earthquake initiated the fueled raging fires, adding the shock to everyone which was now running here and there to escape from […]

S2M3ART DAY | 2018

Rayakan Ilmu Pengetahuan lewat ragam kegiatan: Lazuardi SMART DAY, Dream and Explore Dikenal sebagai salah satu sekolah pertama yang menerapkan  prinsip kecerdasan majemuk, Sekolah Lazuardi GIS senantiasa menyalurkan minat dan bakat siswanya di berbagai bidang lewat ragam kegiatan, salah satunya adalah S2M3ART DAY (Science, Social, Math, Market, Music, Enterpreneur and Art Day) yang digelar pada […]