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Islamic Values Throughout Subjects

Islamic Values Throughout Subjects

There has been an increased interest in Islamic education especially for children with the purpose of focusing on building a strong foundation of Islam from an early age. Parents choose Islamic schools over other schools for this reason. When choosing Islamic school, parents will often look at how many hours of subjects related to Islam that the children will learn, including Islamic studies, Quran reciting, quran memorization, etc. Nonetheless, it is also important to see Islam integrated in our lives on a daily basis. It goes without saying, Islamic thought has influenced plenty of fields such as Science, economics, politics, culture, and health. The integration of Islam in all lessons and activities, including math and science, is thus essential.


 Since the establishment of Lazuardi more than 20 years ago, we are committed to enabling students to make themselves into best versions of themselves, in line with the Islamic way of life. It is, thus, that we teach Islamic studies every day in the experiences students have in school. Yes, we have Islamic Studies as a particular subject, plus, a compulsory Islamic lesson in every school activity. 

In addition, 2 years since Lazuardi transformed into a compassionate school, we continue to evolve, weaving the strategies to build a strong culture of compassion and implement Islamic values of good character in our teaching practices.  In Lazuardi, Islamic values are carried out through a routine process. This is also supported by the school programmes, principals and teachers as role models. Our intention is clear, we want all teachers across subjects to have an equal role in preserving the religious values through their classroom activities. Here in this article, we would like to share with you how our teachers integrate Islamic Studies in their lessons.

Islamic Values in Science

In Science class, students develop a spectrum of viewpoints on science within thecontext of Islam. Grade 1 students learn about animals in the class as well as highlight Rasulullah’s kindness toward plants and animals. They also listen to the story of the prophet Soleh and his camel. In grade 2, the students discuss plants and connect the love of nature to one of Asmaul Husna; Al Latif. Students are encouraged to understand what this name actually means by applying it in their class project. At the higher level, Junior High students are stimulated with the driving question “Why did Allah create the Universe?” to start the discussion about Macrocosm and Microcosm. As Muslims, we know that the Universe is created by Allah SWT in a perfect and balanced condition, and in our classroom, we talk it through and bring the hearts of children closer to the Creator of this Universe. 

Islamic Values in MATH

An attempt to strengthen Islamic values and character in Mathematics always becomes quite challenging.  In Lazuardi, however,  our teachers succeed to integrate the Islamic values in such a seamless way into the materials. Grade 3 teachers blend the concept of Multiplication with the Sahih Hadith about Rasulullah said that we have to command our children to pray when they are 7 and when they turn 10, parents can beat them if they don’t pray. This hadith, if we look deeper and involve Math in it, will be one amazing way to engage students both in Math and Islamic values. So, the teacher will challenge them to multiply how many days in a year within those years from 7 to 10 years old and multiply it with how many times we pray in a day. The result will show students, in order to make sure a child can pray 5 times regularly, the hadith expects parents to continuously and consistently remind their children every day within those years and is actually not about beating and punishment at all. 

In grade 5, students learn about time, and they analyse the time difference of Ramadan Fasting hours in different countries. They count the time interval and compare the results. In learning angle, they talk about Fiqh of Salat movements. For example, the angle of the move when we practice Ruku and Sujud. This discussion is not only focusing on the Math concept itself but at the same time improving the way the students practice their Salat.

Still learning angles, they can also talk about finding the Qibla direction, using a map and coordinates. During Geometry lessons in Junior High, students are invited to go on a virtual world tour and amazed with immense Islamic historical places with stunning shapes and architectures. In the era of Islamic Glory, many architects involved logic in their design. They combined geometry with traditional art to form a new art consisting of repeating patterns and corresponding shapes. When learning tessellations, students are brought back to the breakthrough of Math and Islamic design. These remarkable discoveries have influenced the world till today, and we still can enjoy them when we visit mosques or historical islamic buildings in Turkey, Spain, Morocco, and many other parts of the world. 

Islamic Values in ART,  PE, BAHAsa indonesia and english.

In the same way, as  Islamic Values are incorporated in Science and Math, other subjects are certainly not left out in the process. In Art lessons, students praise the beauty in paintings, calligraphy, and any other art forms. They acknowledge how the art often embodies the transcendent, indivisible and infinite nature of God. Even in PE Lesson, students can sense the values of Islam. In Islamic history, many prophets used sport as entertainment, besides building teamwork, fitness and nurturing fairness. Students who learn PE with Islamic values will understand that in sport, we play to win and be happy if we win but not being arrogant. But if we lose, we still can enjoy the game and do better next time by practicing more. It’s just beautiful!

During Bahasa Indonesia and English language, when students discuss Communication tools, they talk about Silaturahim and the ethic (Adab) of communication. Students also can learn about moral values in narrative writing. They will revisit plenty of Prophets Stories that are full of moral messages for them to learn. Through reading various kinds of texts, students discuss the nuances and the sophistication of language. They will admire the beauty of the verses in Quran that no humans have the ability to write it. 

Islamic Values in social studies

Furthermore, Social studies class introduces students to diverse global issues such as discrimination and how Islam perceive it. They listen to the story of Bilal bin Rabbah, the symbol of equality in Islam. As it is known, Bilal was the slave who was saved by Rasulullah and became one of his Sahabah. Another topic discussion in Social studies is Consumerism. Here, students are brainstormed with the concept of minimalism or Zuhd in Islam concept, as an anti-dote of Consumerism in this case. In the class, they look deeper into the impact of Consumerism. Zuhd according to the Sunnah of Rasulullah has a simple but powerful meaning; to hold dunya in your hand, but not letting it into your heart. This deep discussion finally come to their senses about how we should perceive the world, and see the priority as Muslim to work for dunya, but never let that take over your life that you forget the Akhira. Social studies can also be the tool to share the story of our prophet Muhammad PBUH leadership in building the social sytem and structure in the beginning of his prophecy. 

Islamic Values in kindergarten

Unlike Elementary or Junior High, Kindergarten perhaps has more tangible Islamic lessons in their daily activity. Starting the day with the morning cycle; singing nursery rhymes, storytelling and Murojaah, is the kind of routine they have every morning. Adding more to it, they learn about the rainbow, mountains, rivers and other natural landscapes. Then it’s followed with the discussion about Allah’s creations and the beauty they bring. Learning about part of the body and human characteristics to continue with the understanding of how Allah has created humans in different shapes, skin color, hair, size, etc. We believe that children are never too young to learn.  This kind of discussion engages these young minds to be aware of the world around them. And also to reinforce their connection with Allah at the same time. 

Those examples above are just to name the few among other various activities cultivated in Lazuardi. We don’t separate Islam as a subject lesson with other subjects. In fact, we intend to nurture a compassionate environment for our children through the values of Islamic education throughout school subjects. This effort is one way to achieve the goal to shape them to be ‘Insan Kamil’. On top of that, despite the complex process of this integration, students are experiencing meaningful and deep learning. The learning which engages students to have a strong connection towards the Islam concept of Iman, Islam and Ihsan.  Eventually, we expect they can acquire the qualities of character possessed by a good Muslim. This is to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.